As a child I was told that God sees everything. He knows every hair on your head and what you’re thinking; so you have to be good. I was also taught that Santa Clause was magic and real. He sees you when your sleeping and knows when you’ve been bad or good so be good or else. You wont get presents Its really Blackmail; but what the hey!
So I really figured it out; I couldn’t see God but I could see Santa every year at shopping centers. Since God was everywhere I finally got it. SANTA CLAUSE IS GOD!!!!!!!!! He sees you sleeping or awake; good or bad so you better stay in line. God was everywhere and so was the magic guy in the red suite. I just added thing’s up; when I hung around Santa I knew the truth. This insight saved effort and time on Sunday’s. I mean! Why go to church when you can go to the mall. Life Is A Matter Of Perspective HO; HO; HO; HO; HO; HO; HO; HO; HO; HO; HO.
Doug S. "in a new old fashion way"
In Memory of |
Yule Gibbons |
Yule Brenner |
or Brenda lee |