Know Your Valuables And Collectables And Who To Trust:
There’s a certain shop in your town of dubious intentions; where fair trade doesn’t matter. You know the type in a downtown area? It’s those places you pass and wonder "Are they any good? Or is it some kind of Pawn Shop."
Quite often they have an odd name or initials for a sign. The owner was familiar with me and had done business before and was told "We Can Do Appraisals", comparing himself to anyone. I presented a coin to the proprietor and he did this weird thing of walking away and slamming it on the table; my purpose for being there was to get some money for this during hard times. This sort of thing happens often; but not like this.
On this hot July day things were uncomfortable to say the least. The coin was hard to access because of the different grades of wear. I had shown him a page from the red book of standard’s and asked What Is It Worth? I was getting no reply and it looked as if the coin was of limited value. The coin is pictured in four different way’s or so. I said "Which one is it? He said it’s right there!" Referring to the coin with a low value, there was no true appraisal I was quietly worn down with an avoidance to write a check.
Bad deal’s happen every day; but hears the clincher the guy said "DON’T TELL ANYBODY" What a position to be in.; like a quiet shell game with a carney man. I propose an online pact of consumer awareness for finer things. Bring your property to the most trusted dealer through investment firm’s dealing with estates and representation of your treasure’s .Check the listings for larger cities with impressive credential’s
Know what it is your parting with as the temptation for profit goes on. If your dealings aren’t right tell your friends; tell your neighbors; your boss; and the competition at large; it’s your right.
Besides: every one knows What Comes around Goes around>>>>>> OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO